Is Sowing Seed Money To Receive A Blessing From God Biblical
Have you ever had a Minister of God tell you to sow some seed money to their church? So God will bless you? And have you ever wondered in your spirit? Is this what the Bible really teaches us about sowing and reaping?
Have you ever had a Minister of God tell you to sow some seed money to their church? So God will bless you? And have you ever wondered in your spirit? Is this what the Bible really teaches us about sowing and reaping?
Well, I have some good news from the word of God for you today. About giving money to Ministers. You are about to find out what God has to say. Now you will never be fooled again about this matter.
Tithing Was NEVER About Money In The Bible.
Biblical teaching about Tithing was ALWAYS about agricultural, not money. Ministers of God today has twisted the word of God, to teach us a lie about the meaning of tithing, and have misled a lot of people to believe this lie. Yes, at one time I believed this lie also. How did these Ministers get away with this? Because very few people ever check out Gods word the Bible, to see if what these Ministers of God is teaching is the truth or a lie.
These days, many churches has misled us into believing that 10% of our income belongs to the God or the church. Yes, this is true, we are being misled. Check it out for yourself.
In (Malachi 3:8), we read,
8. Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, "In what way have we robbed You?" In tithes and offerings.
When we read "Will a man rob God" it refers to robbing God in tithes and offerings, God is talking to the leaders (Ministers) in this verse, who have stole from God's storehouse!
Come To God Without Money. Keep Your Money In Your Pocket God says.
What was Isaiah trying to say to us, when he spoke these words in? (Isaiah 55:1)
1. Every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Many people have heard this verse, "come without money", many of times. But there are many who have never heard this invitation come to God, "without money".
What does come "without money" mean? In the Old Testament the poor could not afford to buy things. But the rich could buy things, but no one can buy Salvation from God. Because Salvation is FREE!
There can not be any excuse for not becoming a Born Again Christian. They can't say, I'm poor I do not have the money to buy my Salvation or the rich person can not say I bought my salvation. We are all equal. Salvation is FREE!
In (Acts 8:20) We read What Peter had to say, about those who gave or sowed a seed of faith money to Ministers of God, so they could receive a blessing from God. Remember, it was these Ministers of God, who deceived us all to believe this lie. So they could become wealth and live the life style of the rich and famous. God says avoid them. Will you obey God or man?
In (Acts 8:20). But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.
Now you know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
OK, now about true Biblical tithing.
If your church has a project that you are very interested in, and you feel led by the Holy Spirit to help fund it, go head. Tithing is a good thing to do. If it is to glorify God and not man.
Or, if your neighbor has lost their job and is struggling to pay their bills you should help them out. Listen, tithing is very important. But never feel obligated or forced to give because everyone else is doing it. And you don't want to feel like the only one who did not tithe.
Jesus Loves You