Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The first book of the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament, The Book of Job, follows God’s most faithful servant, Job, through a series of unfortunate events. God tests Job’s faith when he is told by Satan that Job is only faithful because God favors him. God then takes away all that he gave to Job; a family, a home, and riches. Job at first does not curse God, stating that he was brought into this world with nothing, and realized it all could be taken away. But when God then curses Job with sickness, he was then ready to curse God. It was Job’s friends who brought him through his despair, and in the end God gave back all he had taken from Job.
This is one of the more controversial texts of the KJV bible, as it suggests that, for no moral reason, Job’s faith was tested. However, this is also a tale of the importance of faith because had Job not cursed God, he would have proved Satan wrong.

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