Sunday, February 6, 2011

Most Asked Questions.. About life in Heaven!

 The following are questions and answers to questions that

 are ask quite often about our life in Heaven.  I hope that it will
 answer many of your questions, and Minister to you as well.

 Most Asked Questions...

1. ( Q ) Will we know our loved ones in Heaven?  What if they
 are unsaved, will we still see them?

2. ( Q )  What about our beloved pets, are there any animals
 in Heaven?   Now if you are thinking No Way, you might
 be in for a surprise indeed!

 ( 1 )  The answer to question number one lies in the Book
 of Ezekiel, Chapter 44.  For the last Ten Chapters of
 Ezekiel are dealing with our life after Christ returns!  You will
 find more about the end time in those Ten Chapters than in
 the entire Book of Revelation.

 Now, we are dealing here with God's Word on the
 third or deepest level, for those with spiritual eyes to see, and
 ears to hear.  Remember when reading those last 8 Chapters
 of Ezekiel that you are dealing with the future not the present!

     In the 44th Chapter God is telling Ezekiel
 about the future Temple and the rules for His Elect!
 Now it is written; Yet they shall be ministers in 
My sanctuary, as gatekeepers of the house 
and ministers of the house; they shall slay the
burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people,
and they shall stand before them to minister to
them.                                 ( Ezekiel 44:11 )

 THEY "They [ that's you ] shall not defile themselves
by coming near a dead person. [ Spiritually dead ] Only
for father or mother, for son or daughter, for 
brother or unmarried sister may they defile
themselves.                      ( Ezekiel 44:11 )
 Thus it should be obvious that we will know our mother
 and father, brother and sister, and also our dear friends
 in Heaven.

 ( 2. )  The answer to question number two may be found in
 Book of Isaiah, where its written; The wolf also shall 
dwell with the lamb, The leopard shall lie down 
with the young goat, The calf and the young 
lion and the fatling together; And a little child
shall lead them.                    ( Isaiah 11:6 )

 The cow and the bear shall graze; Their young
 ones shall lie down together; And the lion shall
 eat straw like the ox.    
                                                ( Isaiah 11:7 )

 Again, we are obviously dealing with the future here, thus
 after the return of Christ.  However it proves that there are
 animals in Heaven also.  After all, when you think about it,
 they are also God's Creation!  Therefore if He didn't love
 animals they would not exist on the Earth right now!

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