Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The Bible is without a doubt the canonical text of the last several millennia, but because of its age, it’s not always easy to interpret. Even if you can understand every word you read, it’s also difficult to determine the exact message, or point that God is trying to communicate. Thus having a book with Bible commentaries is quite helpful. Respected scholars of both religion and the written word write Bible commentaries, and many even understand Latin or Hebrew, letting them interpret God’s word in its most purest form. If you’re interested in gaining insight into God’s word, owning a book of bible commentaries is a great idea.

Texts containing bible translation and commentary are available in hundreds of different editions, including the KJV Thompson reference bible, though in many cases newer editions will compile the best insights of past and present editions to create the most accurate or accepted interpretation. For a complete line of christian books visit:

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