Thursday, July 22, 2010


Let’s face it; with all the temptations in our lives, it’s too easy to lose sight of our faith. Christians have endured for centuries keeping God close to their hearts, and it’s important to make the Lord part of our lives. There are a number of ways for even the busiest people to keep God closer to their hearts and in their minds. For example, keeping a good Christian book on hand, even if the chance to read it only happens once a day for a few minutes, is a great idea. Christian books can help reunite us with God when we feel listless and alone. While having an NAS Bible on hand is great, Christian books written by other Christians can provide a new perspective on our faith. It’s nice to be able to relate to another Christian’s feelings when needed.

find all your Christian books at, even read reviews from other Christians. Borrowing books can also be a great way to engage your faith for people who are on a budget. You’ll also be able to discuss the book with your friends once you’ve read through it!

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